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Welcome to our Services page!

This section outlines the major services being provided by the Local Government of Echague. These services are categorized into sections, which are described below:

Administrator's Office
Coordinates, monitors, assesses, and gives appropriate feedback on the work or performance of all departments and officials under the supervision and control of the Echague's Mayor to ensure that the vision mission objective/thrust and plans, programs and activities set for the Town on an immediate, medium or long-term basis are realized. [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Assessor's Office
In charge of the Echague's appraisal and assessment services as well as Tax Mapping and Land Identification Services. [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Buildings And Architecture Office
Initiates, reviews and recommends changes in policies and objectives, plans and programs, techniques, procedures, practices and guidelines on vertical infrastructure development and other related public works for the town. [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Engineering Office
Initiates, reviews and recommends changes in policies and objectives, plans and programs, techniques, procedures, practices and guidelines in horizontal infrastructure development and other public works of the town. [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Health Office
In charge of the different health programs and plans of the town in relation to:

  1. Health Education and Promotion;
  2. Integrated Health Programs
  3. Population Program Management;
  4. Health Information Services;
  5. and other related programs and services.
    [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Human Resources Management
In charge of carrying out the following services:

  1. Appointments & Review Services
  2. Personnel Inspection & Audit Services
  3. Personnel Relations, Employee Welfare and Benefits and Services
    [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

In charge of the maintenance of the town's library facilities as well as provide technical assistance in the establishment of barangay libraries.
[Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Mayor's Office
General supervision and control over all programs, projects, services and activities of the town.
[Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Civil Registration
In charge of providing Civil Registration services such as:

  1. Recording, filing and encoding of new documents.
  2. Issuance of certified true copies of civil registry documents.
  3. Entering of registry documents in the registry book as well as encoding of civil registry documents in the computer.
  4. Processing of marriage application and license.
  5. Conduct of IEC on Civil Registry
    [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Social Welfare and Development
In charge of overseeing the implementation of community welfare programs, projects and activities of the town. [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Town Treasury Office
Aside from its internal administration and support services, the Town Treasurer's Office also has the following functions:

  1. Tax, Fees and Other Charges Enforcement Services;
  2. Local Fund Management; and
  3. Tax mapping, Campaign Investigation and Information Services.
    [Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Register of Deeds
In charge of verification, inspection and recording of Land Titles.
[Contact details will be posted upon availability]

Echague Veterinary Office
Echague Veterinary Office is in charge of providing Livestock and Animal Health Services, Abbatoir Services, Livestock and meat inspection services. [Contact details will be posted upon availability]
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